Square Enix Product Development Division

People keep wondering whether or not part three of Final Fantasy will come out. Considering that Final Fantasy 13-2 said 'To Be Continued' confuses us all. People say it's just something for a dramatic ending.

I highly doubt it. If it says it's to be continued then it should be continued. If it is not to be continued then please help the people who are doing nothing but waiting for another game. It would help many gamers who lust for the third part of the game.

Even if you look on Google, you will see that everyone is wondering if there will even be a part three.

If you all want part three of Final Fantasy then I suggest that you sign.

We all need to have fun gaming, most of us love Final Fantasy 13 and 13-2.

We need to know if it's the end or if there is more to it.

It would be a dream come true to those who read this.

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The Final Fantasy 13-3 petition to Square Enix Product Development Division was written by Keira Mai and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.