British Tae Kwon Do Council
United Kingdom

For many years big Tae Kwon Do groups have advertised their tournaments as open, yet to gain access they stipulate you must have their insurance and often hold their membership to take part. Now many groups in the U.K. are saying that their NGB are saying they may not enter outside events, which breaks the restrictive practice laws in the U.K.


T.A.G.B. World Open Championships - you MUST be a B.T.C. member to take part.

U.K.T.A. Opens - now they say you MUST hold B.T.C. membership to get access.

These are just two examples - they MUST stop using the 'OPEN' title, as this breaks trading standards rules.

Is it right that Tae Kwon Do associations in the U.K. use 'OPEN' on all advertising when clearly, if you are not a member of their group or refuse to buy their insurance, you cannot take part in their events?

We, the undersigned, are calling for all U.K. groups to be told they MUST stop using the term 'OPEN' on advertising, as we believe it breaks advertising rules in the U.K.

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The Fight against using the term OPEN at Tae Kwon Do Events petition to British Tae Kwon Do Council was written by Mr. Snow and is in the category Sports at GoPetition.