#Animal Welfare
Windber Boro, Windber Code Inforcement and Windber Police.
United States of America

My neighbors have 20+ dogs the real number is unknown seeing some dogs never see the light of day.
The owners of the animals tell everyone they are a rescue but they are not liscensed and have no proper paper work, permits etc proving they are. They are dog Hoarders period.
These animals have become a nuisance and most are viscous.
The dogs in question have attacked numerous people who lived in the home prior to me, theyve attacked my visitors such as my parents, friends and ex fiancées father, including myself and now my 2 year old son. The police, dog law officer for the area, animal control, a local animal welfare group etc have all been contacted on the issue but nothing is being done because “The animals are well taken care of.” Yet they fail to realize the owners hide their sick animals in the basement when they come. The owners also have been told after my ex’s father was bitten to keep all animals on leashes seeing we do have a leash law in our area. Well that lasted a week and now the animals are now running loss again. The officer that responded to the call also stated that he found out NONE of the 20+ animals are liscensed.
These dogs will also attack one another just to bark at you and they have the entire neighbor hood up at 6am with their barking. I quote “It sounds like we live next to the human society.”
The dogs have damaged my property which I plan to sue the owners for and not to mention other neighbors property as well seeing the owners let the dogs roam the neighbor hood.
I have video and photographic proof of everything stated in this petition the sick animals, property damaged etc. Some info on the picture for this petition!
I provided a photo of one of their dogs an older beagle which has a large mass on its side and can barely walk. The dog will cry in pain whenever it try’s to walk.
I have 2 boys a 2 year old who was already attacked and a 3 month old. If my youngest is to get attacked he wouldn’t survive. SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE!

We the residence of Mine 40, call on the Windber Police, Windber Bourgh, Windber Code Enforcement and any other proper authorities to have the dogs removed from the home on 1st Windber Pa, 15963 or required the owners to build a fence, mussel their animals, build proper housing and proved the animals proper vet care etc.

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The Fake Resuce. Dog Hoarders. petition to Windber Boro, Windber Code Inforcement and Windber Police. was written by Heather Horner and is in the category Animal Welfare at GoPetition.