#City & Town Planning
Georgia Department of Transportation & Paulding DOT
United States of America

In knowing that the Cedcarcrest Road is most likely to be expanded from 2 to 4 lanes based off a project via PDOT and funded by GDOT, the residents of Paulding would like to expand the sidewalks to a width that would allow Golf Carts. This would allow travel up and down Cedcarcrest road without the need for a car and create greater access to all the stores and amenities upon Cedarcrest. Based off the success of places like Peachtree City I think this would improve the area of Cedarcrest and make it a more successful area increasing the value and utility of our homes.

We, the undersigned and residents of Paulding County who reside on or near Cedarcrest Road, call on the Georgia Department of Transportation and Paulding County Department of Transportation to amend the expansion of Cedcarcrest Road (which is currently scheduled to go from 2 to 4 lanes) to add the expansion of one or both of the sidewalks to become multipurpose sidewalks that would be suitable for things such as Golf Carts.

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The Expand Cedarcrest Road Sidewalks Into Multipurpose Sidewalks (For things like Golf Carts) petition to Georgia Department of Transportation & Paulding DOT was written by King Harrison and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.