- Target:
- UK Government
- Region:
- United Kingdom
- Website:
- www.curedisease.net
Thankyou for signing our petition calling for a medical inquiry into animal testing. The movement calling for an inquiry is becoming stronger all the time, and more research scientists are calling for this.
MPs currently have access to EDM 475, which calls for an inquiry. If you live in the UK, please ask your MP to sign this EDM. You can find out who your MP is at http://www.writetothem.com/, and you can also write to them through this site. First please read the leaflet here: http://www.safermedicines.org/pdfs/leaflet_2010.pdf .
We also have a new petition here, so please sign:http://www.gopetition.com/petition/39625.html
Thanks or the support. We are under no illusions that this inquiry will be acheived easily, but when we acheive it, it will make history.
Animals are used to test the safety of medicines, but this practice is doubted by many scientists. There are many examples of medications that damage or kill human patients after passing animal tests. Meanwhile technology has made many incredibly accurate non-animal tests available.
Astonishingly, animal experiments have never been formally evaluated from a medical perspective. Now a cross party group of MPs have launched The Safety of Medicines (Evaluation) Bill 2009. This Bill would request a statistical evaluation of animal tests by a panel of independent experts. We desperately need this evaluation. It is estimated that a million people are hospitalised every year in the UK by unexpected drug reactions. This costs the taxpayer £2 billion per year.
Early Day Motion 569 has also been launched. This is like a petition that can only be signed by MPs. PLEASE ASK YOUR MP TO SIGN THIS by sending a pre-written postcard available from: http://www.safermedicines.org/safetyofmedicines/index.shtml. If you prefer to email your MP, please follow the advice here: http://www.safermedicines.org/safetyofmedicines/email.shtml. Alternatively, you can email your MP via http://www.writetothem.com. Enter your postcode and write a short polite note asking for them to sign EDM569 - this will be sent online. Sorry, you can only do any of these if you live in the UK.
You can see more about the Bill and the EDM at: http://www.safermedicines.org/safetyofmedicines/index.shtml.
If this Bill goes ahead it could end some of the most controversial, cruel tests on animals. It could also stop human patients suffering side effects including blindness, organ failure, birth defects and death.
Please support the Bill and EDM.
We, the undersigned, call upon the government to implement 'The Safety of Medicines (Evaluation) Bill 2009'.
The Evaluate animal testing for medicines petition to UK Government was written by Cris Iles and is in the category Health at GoPetition.