#Human Rights
UN, House of Commons, World Bank, Indian Parliment, To Whom Love democracy

Sri Lankan government has increasingly militarising itself. President Mahinda Rajapakaya is acting like a dictator. His attitudes towards ethnic minority is becoming more violant. He believed to be South East asian - Robert Mugawbe.

He does everything to stay in power. So his wife Siranthi is a new Imelda of the South East Asia.

Dalas threatens of establishing a Military government

President's advisor Dalas Alahaperuma has made a threatening warning to a UNP MP stating that if the country's leadership is questioned or threatened a military government will be established.

Making the threat Alahaperuma said that if the president's life faces any sort of an accident the UNP shouldn't have any hopes of coming into power and that they would establish a military government.

A question has arisen in the local political arena whether Gotabaya Rajapakse's emergence into the defense ministry, who is a former military personnel, is the beginning of such a regime since he has begun to talk about politics and emerge in the political arena more frequently.

Speaking to Sunday Lankadeepa last week he had said "I haven't stole things in the Kytes islands, I haven't got court marshaled like others. How can Sripathi talk about air craft since he was in the Navy? The president, I or the opposition leader cannot decide what the security forces need. This war has been messed up by politicians trying to get involved. We have been doing that for the past 25 years. We have done enough during this year. What did Ranil do during his regime? He only assisted the LTTE."

Gotabaya doesn't have political freedom as he is a 1st grade executive level government official who is a secretary of a ministry and so far the country has not seen anyone who has broken these shackles so far.

Since late opposition leader Ranil Wickremesinghe has begun to criticize president Rajapakse and his family and once he even called the Mahinda Chinthanaya, Madamulana Chinthanaya. At a function held in Colombo recently he asked the defense secretary to resign from his post and requested the president to appoint Janaka Perera who is a brilliant army officer.

The Establishing Military Government In Sri Lanka petition to UN, House of Commons, World Bank, Indian Parliment, To Whom Love democracy was written by Anonymous and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.