- Target:
- Region:
- India
Mrs.M Neelima Kerkate
District Collector,
Sub : Corrupt allegations levelled against Mr.Kamalakar Phad, Tahsildar,
- Report submitted - Regarding
Ref : J No. 2002/Masakha1/Aastha1Vis/ District Collector Office Jalna,
dated : 13-09-2002
In response to the reference cited order, it is my sincere prayer to the District Collector, Jalna to exam the following allegations levelleved against Mr. Kamalakar Phad, Tahsildar, Jalna
1) Is there any license is granted to the said officer to loot public properties by all possible illegal acts?
If not so, how the competent higher authorities are silent against his grave irregularities amounts to missappropriation of crores of rupees.
In case if the Government administration is in such an ignorant way without proper regular checks means, there is every possible scope to lose Government propeties easily, shall certainly be questioned in the appropriate court of law for suitable directions to the Government to set right the akward situation.
Although common public notices and exposes the delequency, what about the
role of probing authorities and the higher authorities concerned in the
regards, perhaps bribed and maintained silent for illegal self gratification.
2) In the administration of Malke Ganpatty Sansthan, Mr. kamlakar phad
just swallowed lacks of rupees without maintaining proper records. The dates
of accounting the ammounts into the banks and the expenditure booked for
the purposes shall exposes the real picture of Mr. Phad, if the authrities
concerned are really interested to detect the delinquency in this regards.
3) The said site is misutilised by MR PHAD ,to extreme extent as a personal
picnic spot to enjoy all possible illegal pleasures and disturbed the sanctityof the premises. This os the main sin he committed ,although being a responsible officer, shall definately be punished by the Almighty.
4) Moreover, after enjoying rupees four lacks bribe, he alloted the
construction work of the Malke Ganapathy temple to a most corrupt and indeasent contactor of no proper experience, the estimate of the consruction itself is the proof, if it is examined properly.
5) Mr. Phad colluded with Mr. Bikulal Indani and enjoyed ten lakhs bribe to declare the property worth of crores of rupees of Gajanan mandir to the said person on manupulation and fabrication of Government records.
On what grounds, he favoured to Mr. Bikulal Indani to dispose the said properties shall be examined and detect the deficiency. The said property is already soldout to private parties.
6) In the same lines the valuable property of Paanjarapool Goshala, cleared in favour of Mr. Saklecha and enjoyed nearly seven lakhs bribe.
The grounds of declaration in this concerned shall also be examined suitably.
7) Valuable properties of Azad Maidan declares to individuals without
abserving the rules and regularations policies of Govt. of Maharashtra and
did every posible illegal acts only for self gratification.
The possibilities to do favour to individuals shall be examined properly.
8) During his entire tenure, he missused the vested powers only for self
gratification to manupulate the records of kerocine distribution and swallowed
lakhs of rupees. The records itself stands as concerte proofs, if properly
9) The valuable sites worth of crores of rupees belongs to Late. Shehemsha [Rackewala] in the locality of Lakkadkot, Jalna, Mr Phad distribute the sites irregularly to others on violation of the policies and has given possesion to outers. Many of the Tahasil Staff are ordered to be in suspension except Mr. Kamalakar Phad, since he maintains good relations to all the competent
higher authorities on arranging major share in the bribery perhaps.
10) Irregualarly he transferred the deposites from Jilla Madhyavarthi
Bank to Grameen Bank only for illegal gratification to cause the loss of
nearly sixteen Lakhs to Government.
11) Moreover he swallowed the funds of Sanjay Gandhi Niradhar Yojana aimed
to disturbute to handicaped persons, only while fabrication of Govt. records
12) At his previous station while he was in Aurangabad, he was ordered
for many enquires against his misappropriation of crores of rupees of public funds,but only on throwing huge ammount as bribe he could escape from the punishments.
13) Bribred Badrinarayan Vyas, the employee of Gayatri Sansthan is utilised
as a pet of Mr. Kamalakar Phad and did all possible fraud in the Sansthan
only to ruin the name and reputaton of the staff of engineering cell and
to dumped on hot plate while exposing deferently into the looks of the
entire trust board so as to take suitable action against the engineering
14) Becauseof his irresponsiblity against the collection of taxes Mr.
Oza and others are subjected to grave mental torture by the tahsildar Mr
phad. If the records of the said issue is properly examined, his real picture
to tap illegal money from the public shall certainly be exposed to every
officers look.
15) As per the fabrication of Government records and irregular maintainance of the files of revenue department , the property of juncture of survey no. 183 and 184 is under pocession of Mr. Vinaykumar Kothari.The entire records are cooked up properly only for illegal self gratification.
Only on the blessings of Mr. Phad, Mr. Kothari took the pocession in this
regards. Even after proper complaints, Mr Phad maintained great silence
only for gratification, althoug being a tahsildar of Jalna.
16) Only because of the reason I disclosed his corrupt life, he got angry
and developed personal grudges against me and aranged professional gundas
to murder me.
In my absence my assistance are seriously warned and declared the utilimatum to leave Jalna within a day, otherwise, he challanged to close the matter of entire our batch.
17) Although it is brought to the notice of the Sadar Bazar Police Station, concerned authority are silent and did not record any complaint in this regards.
Moreover, colluded with Mr. phad and threatened our people to leave Jalna, otherwise the police too declared to resort illegal steps to vacate our people from Jalna and also to the extreme extent threatened our people to leave Jalna.
Such a way entire our batch is subjected to serious mental torture by the police of Sadar Bazar Police Station. Because of the reason one of our menbers Mr Gurappa left Jalna at extreme fearful condition against the police threat resorted by the Sadarbazaar Police station.
And regurly the said police comes to our residence and seriously warns to
leave Jalna, only to oppress the real voice against the corruption of Mr.
18) The District Collector Jalna is sincerely prayed to provide proper
security to entire our team , as we are under grave life threat by the local
gundas and also by the bribed local police too.
19) In case if the district collector not interfers into the matter
there is no other option only to urge the appropriate court of law for
proper protection to our life.
20) Anyhow National Human Right commission also is contacted and a case
is registered in this regards for proper action to initiate suitable punishments.
How the Government Machinery particularly police can act to the illegal tunes of Mr. Phad ,shall only be decided in the Court of National Human Right Commission.
21) The district Collector is sincerely requested to sanction me proper permission to expose the grave deliquency of the corrupt administration of Mr. Phad particularly in the allotment of proper land to wing roads to Jalna.
22) As per personal statements of Mr. Thaire Tahsildar Badnapur, it is
expressed that how Mr. Kamalakar Phad continues in the department without
any impositon of suspension against the department enquires, so far initiated
against him,shall be questioned in the court of competent jurisdiction.
23) The Charity commissioner, Aurangabad who felt gulity against the
delinquent administration of Mr. Kamalakar Phad to handle the administration
of Malke Ganapatty Sansthan has also taken up the issue for enquiry. The
collections of Chowties of every ritual months and connected transactions
will definetely prove the said administration of Mr Phad is completely fraud.
24) As per his own statements Mr. Phad expreses that he has very good
relation with Honourable Chief Minister Shri. Vilasrao Deshmukh though his
close freind Mr. Deshmukh who is brother of the chief minister. And declares that since he maintains good relation with him, no one can touch him even he loots the Govt. property for illegal self gratification.
Is it true ?
No not at all. Anyhow shall defenetely be questioned in the court of competent
25) No responsible minister or officer of the Government while is being binder to law of the land of great india shall support the illegal elements like Mr. Kamalakar Phad to loot Government properties by all possible illegal acts.
26) The illegal expectations and senseless declarations of Mr. Phad is
totally wrong only to create illusive image in the public especially in the
circle of Government officials , he created the rumers and stories by the
way of illegal tacties only to threaten the innocent public and officers
concerned to maintain silence against his illegal activities ammounts to
misappropriation of crores of rupees.
27) In case my services are utilised and proper permission is sanctioned to expose the deliquency, I will put forth many to many evidences avilable in the Government records in the control of the concerned officers. Otherwise, there is no other option except question the same in the court of competent jurisdiction.
28) In case if I fail to prove I am ready to take any sort of punishments
proposes by the Government.
As the records of the relevant issues are in the control of the Government oficers concerned, so I cannot give the concrete proofs in this regards. If I am permitted to verify the records of the Govenment, I shall put forth the every possible concerte proof in this regards to charge sheet Mr. Phad against the allegation levelled above.
29) Any how the issue shall be questioned in the appropriate court of
law to call for the records for proper check to detect deliquency to initiate
proper punishment in this regards.
30) Since the probing authorities are silent for gratification, being
a citizen of India, I will bear the responsiblity to expose the deliquency
in this regards, even then I am resorted to any extent of illegal life threats by the bribed police and paid goondas too.
The district collector Jalna is once again sincerely prayed to
take appropriate action to detect delinquency in this regard. The immediate action in this matter shall certainly be appriciated by all citizens of greatest land of India , particularly by the residents of Jalna town. with respectful regards.
yours faithfully,
A S Prasad
Gayitry Sanshan
near Hanuman ghat
Jalna- maharashtra
phone: 02482 35722
Copy submitted to
1) The Hon Chief Minister of Maharashtra , Mumbai
2) The Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra , Mumbai
3) The Lokayuktha , Govt of Maharashtra, Mumbai
4) The Director General Anti Corruption Bureau Mumbai
5) The Superintendent of police Jalna
6) The Deputy Superintendent of police Anti Corruption Bureau Jalna
7) The Inspector of police Sadarbazar Police Station Jalna
By Register Post with ack due , to
1) Justice J S Verma , Chairperson National Human Rights Commission, New
2) The Supreme Court Legal services Committe ,Supreme Court of India,
New Delhi
3) The High Court Legal Services Committe, High Court of Maharashtra,
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The Eradicate Corruption in India petition to SRI VILASRAO DESH MUKH, HON'BLE CHIEF MINISTER OF MAHARASHTRA was written by SIVAPRASAD and is in the category Government at GoPetition.