- Target:
- Rebecca Kadaga
- Region:
- Uganda
- Website:
- www.girlsnotbrides.org
40% of Ugandan girls under the age of 18 get sold-off into marriage before they can even cry freedom. Before they can even dream of CHOICE. It's either that they are pressured by tradition, community and even themselves to get married, or life just generally sucks and marriage is the only viable financial option left for their poverty-stricken families. Honestly, it's just not fair. It's not fair that they suffer and we don't. That we are all randomly tossed into the game of life, leaving God to decide whether we get privilege and freedom, or the sour end of the stick. It's also not fair that we use our privilege to our advantage, never stopping to think about the ones we leave behind. The collateral and the consequences of our decisions. The little children, not brides, who undergoe a life of pure agony, because of our decisions, our ignorance, our apathy and our indifference. Today, you have been given the choice. End inhuman treatment of children in your country. END child marriage in Uganda.
We, the undersigned, call on Uganda to eliminate the unlawful marriage of children, under the age of 18, according to the Children Act 2016. We call on Ugandans, who have access to technology and to the internet, to take action against this monster and sign this petition in the name of all that is good and right. At the Girl Summit in July 2014, the government signed a charter committing to end child marriage by 2020. Through these signatures, let us band together and ensure that no child ever again is subjected to inhumane conditions in terms of physical and psychological abuse due to child marriage. Let no teenage girl produce un-planned children or die in child-birth due to child marriage. Let her not suffer alienation at the hands of her community due to fighting for autonomy from child marriage. Let her complete her education and become an astronaut and inspire other children to do more with their lives, to be more in their lives.
Together, let us sign this petition and END CHILD MARRAIGE.
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The End Child Marriage in Uganda petition to Rebecca Kadaga was written by Priscilla-1 Tutua-Lelea and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.