#Civil Rights
United Kingdom

Pakistan represents the worst situation in the world for religious freedom for countries not currently designated as country particular concern by the U.S. government as CPCs,” said USCIRF Chair Katrina.

Non muslims in Pakistan are living in constant fear of punishment, as human rights groups say that the laws are frequently misused by extremists. False charges are often bought against non muslims in order to settle personal scores or to seize property or businesses. The blasphemy laws have been blamed for much of the persecution against non muslims in Pakistan and for increasing inter-religious tensions across the country.

Campaign goals

> The government of Pakistan and its representatives worldwide by highlighting problems caused by the abuse of the Blasphemy law and urge significant amendments to this law.
> World leaders, governments and international bodies urging them to put pressure on the government of Pakistan to amend the Blasphemy law.
> To encourage individuals and pakistani ex-muslims in the UK to campaign with FP for the amendment of the Blasphemy law.
> we also demand Pakistani government take strong action against extremists who simply get away with their hate crimes against non muslims.
> Challenge discrimination against religious minorities and empower communities to effectively advocate for implementation of their human rights .
> Promote freedom of religion and pluralism in pakistan.

To campaign with us against the abuse of the Blasphemy law in Pakistan please read carefully and sign the petition below.

To: The United Nations’ High Commissioner of Human Rights

FP(Faithlesspakistanis) repeal the blasphemy law in Pakistan, we recognize this law not just promotes religious hated and intolerance but encourages hostility and is being used as a tool to persecute non muslims. This law is exceptionally open to abuse as anyone can be charged on testimony alone.

We fully believe it stands in stark contrast to the concept of religious freedom outlined in the International Bill of Human Rights.

We respectfully call on you to exercise keen judgment and act in swift opposition to this law. Our focus should remain on improving existing international law to protect the religious freedom.

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The End Blasphemy Law In Pakistan petition to 500 was written by faithlesspakistanis and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.