- Target:
- NHS Hillingdon
- Region:
- United Kingdom
- Website:
- www.brunelstudents.com
NHS Hillingdon plan to make changes to the availability of the EHC (morning after pill) for young people. As it stands, any young person under the age of 20 is able obtain the EHC (morning after pill) over the counter in pharmacies, at no cost.
The change proposed by NHS Hillingdon is to cut funding for the availability of the EHC (morning after pill), resulting in a reduction in the age group who can currently access the pill for free. The new proposal states that now any young person who is 18 or under will have access to the pill for no cost.
In summary, students aged 19 and 20 will have to pay full cost, around £25, for the EHC morning after pill).
This decision will stand to affect many of the young adults surrounding the Uxbridge area who may wish to collect the EHC (morning after pill) from the local pharmacies.
Brunel University’s on campus pharmacy has provided the current under 20’s service to its students. The statistics show that over 60% of the clients using the service are aged between 18 and 20. This displays a need to abolish this new decision.
The decision to reduce the age range for the service will create a setback for clients who may find it difficult to buy the EHC (morning after pill) over the counter (which currently stands at £25.00) or attend family planning clinics. This can result in higher risk of pregnancy.
Please sign this petition if you agree with abolishing the proposal to reduce the availability of the no cost EHC (morning after pill) to under 18’s only, and maintaining the service for anyone under 20.
With enough signatures and the service maintained it can be predicted that the levels of pregnancy will be reduced if not maintained rather than increased with the new decision in place.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The EHC Morning After Pill should be available to under 20's petition to NHS Hillingdon was written by Avina Patel and is in the category Health at GoPetition.