Effective Penalties comparative to risk or injuries sustained within the NRL and CRL

- Target:
- all players and associates of the NRL, CRL and Junior associations
- Region:
- Australia
mother of 3 boys who have played NRL since age 4/5.
Over the years have witnessed variable degrees of injuries where penalties awarded were inconsistent or comparable to the severity of the misconduct.
I want to make the NRL ,CRL enable a system by grading relevance and severity of the misconduct to a guide by which Referees can deliver the appropriate penalty.
At the moment it is up to the Referees discretion on how to deliver a penalty allowing for a huge inconsistency of varying degrees of penalties to the same misconduct. If there is some sort of guideline or grading as to what the NRL and CRL would recommend for certain misconduct not only would it ensure consistency but make the entire filed of play safer,
Over the years have witnessed variable degrees of injuries where penalties awarded were inconsistent or incomparable to the severity of the misconduct.
I want to make the NRL ,CRL enable a system by grading relevance and severity of the misconduct to a guide by which Referees can deliver the appropriate penalty.
At the moment it is up to the Referees discretion on how to deliver a penalty allowing for a huge inconsistency of varying degrees of penalties to the same misconduct. If there is some sort of guideline or grading as to what the NRL and CRL would recommend for certain misconduct not only would it ensure consistency but make the entire filed of play safer,
For example, at the moment a Referee has whole and entire authority over players and their action in being penalised but what happens when a player swearing receives the same penalty as a player making an illegal tackle like a spear tackled. These inconsistancies is what is allowed at the moment because there is no recommended penalty reference let alone a law which grades the severity of misconduct relevant to penalty issued.
I put forth that the NRL , CRL and all associates amend the laws of play and misconduct to include a guide and grading of reckless and dangerous play comparable to the severity of penalty to be issued.
I put forth that any dangerous and reckless tackle including lifting and pole driving and intentional head high be an automatic Temporary Suspension (10min off field of play) with pending further investigation if it results in the tackled player being incapacitated or hospitalised.
Not only will this ensure players and referees are aware of the dangers and risks involved in illegal tackling it also ensures that similar misconduct is penalised alike.
For the safety of our children and family please support this .
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