#Children's Rights

D'Emiljia an de Balsa wunnen zesumme mat hiren Elteren säit 3 Joer hei zu Lëtzebuerg. Si kommen aus dem Kosovo an hunn hei Asyl ugefrot. No 3 Joer ass d'Procédure elo ofgeschloss: si ginn als Flüchtlinge refuséiert.

Elo mussen si zeréck an de Kosovo wou ganz vill Problemer ob si waarden. De Balsa kann do net méi an d'Schoul goen well hien mat 16 Joer duefir ze al ass, dat heescht, hien huet iwwerhat kee Schoulofschloss. D'Emiljia versteet d'Sprooch net, déi elo an dem Land geschwat gëtt. De Kanner hir Mamm ass aus Bosnien, de Papp aus Serbien: déi Konstellatioun ass am Kosovo net gär gesinn a souguer scho bal geféierlech. Ausserdem hu si guer keng Famill méi an dem Land.

D'Famill wëll KEE Geld vum lëtzebuerger Staat. Si wënsche sech just eng Obenthaltsgenehmegung fir Lëtzebuerg, datt si hei schaffen a wunnen duerfen. Si wëlle kengem zur Laascht falen. Si wëlle just eng Zukunft fir hir Kanner, hei, an engem séchere Land. D'Kanner hunn all hir Frënn hei zu Lëtzebuerg, d'Emiljia an der Grondschoul, de Balsa am Lycée.

De Kanner hir Frënn verstinn dat alles net! Si wëllen, datt d'Emiljia an de Balsa bei hinne bleiwen...hei zu Lëtzebuerg, wou si lo 3 Joer an d'Schoul gang sinn an ëmmer gutt geléiert hunn. W.e.g. ënnertstëtzt eis Petitioun déi an de nächsten Deeg online geet.

Background for the petition

Emilijia (aged 11) and her brother Balsa (aged 16) have resided with their parents’ in Luxembourg for the last 3 years. They are originally from Kosovo and have requested asylum status in Luxembourg. After trying to reside permanently in Luxembourg for 3 years, the request was rejected by the Luxembourgish Government.

They will have to return to Kosovo where they will encounter many problems. Balsa cannot continue his education as the education system in Kosovo ends at the age of 16. Furthermore, he will be unable to complete secondary school in Luxembourg, and leave with no qualifications.

Emilijia does not speak or understand the language if they have to return. Their Mother is from Bosnia, and their Father is Serb; this union is not welcome in Kosovo and potentially dangerous for the family. Also, they have no other relatives remaining in Kosovo to provide support or assistance.

The family are not requesting any financial support from the Luxembourgish Government; they are seeking the opportunity for a residence permit to live and work in Luxembourg. The children are fully integrated in their respective schools, and the most important factor for their parents’ is for the children to develop and have a future in a safe environment.

The friends’ of the children do not understand this situation and why they have to return to Kosovo. Both are doing well in school, and they would like Emilijia and Balsa to stay.

Ech wëll datt d'Famill Seferovic-Cetkovic därf zu Lëtzebuerg bleiwen, fir datt hir Kanner hir Schoul kënne fäerdeg machen.

I am signing this petition to confirm my support for the Seferovic-Cetkovic family to be allowed to stay in Luxembourg for their children to finish their education.

The Ech wëll datt d'Famill Seferovic-Cetkovic därf zu Lëtzebuerg bleiwen, fir datt d'Kanner d' Schoul kënne fäerdeg machen. petition to Regierung was written by Anne L'Ortye and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.

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