- Target:
- Australian Federal Parliament and the State and Territorial Legislative Assemblies
- Region:
- Australia
March 20, 2006
Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee Victorian Electronic Democracy, Final Report, May 2005.
Chairpersons' Foreward
The challenge and the opportunity provided by electronic democracy are providing the means by which the citizens can more fully participate in the decisions which affect their lives.
The key issue when evaluating the role of digital technologies for Democracy is how much Governments and Civil Society can learn to use the opportunities provided by the new channels of information and communication to promote and strengthen the core representative institutions connecting citizens and the state.
I believe that the subcommittee's recommendations, if adopted, will make significant improvement to the Democratic process in Victoria, enhancing the opportunities for the civic participation from the Victorian community and improving the policy making processes of the Government and the Parliament.
Recommendation 80. The parliament of Victoria should introduce an online petitions facility (on a trial basis), subject to ongoing evaluationas to the benefits offered to Victorians.
The Victorian online petition system should include a moderated discussion facility, similiar to that provided by the Scottish Parliament.
Recommendation 81. The Parliamentary Template for paper petitions should be amended to allow for optional collection of email addresses or other electronic means of communication, in order to allow the petitioner to receive information about the status and tabling of their petition from the parliament.
Queensland already accepts online petitions as legally presented petitions, therefore we humbly request that the rest of the Australian legislative assemblies and the federal parliment make electronic petitioning legal.
To the Federal Parliament of Australia, to the Legislative Assemblies of Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania and the Territorial assemblies of the A.C.T and Northern Territory.
The petition of We the Residents of Australia, draws to the attention of the House, That the findings of the Scutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee Victorian Electronic Democracy, May 2005 recommendations 80-81 should be enacted.
The petitoners therefore humbly request that the federal parliament and the Legislative Assemblies of Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania and the Territories of the A.C.T. and the Northern Territory, should adopt and enact the recommendations 80-81 of the Scrutiny of Acts and regulations Committtee Victorian Electronic Democracy, Final Report, May 2005.
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The E-democracy Australia, Online Petitioning petition to Australian Federal Parliament and the State and Territorial Legislative Assemblies was written by Mr David Bramwells and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.