- Target:
- United Nations, Eurpean Union, Human Rights Organisations, ECOWAS, France, USA, UK, Nigeria, ...
- Region:
- Guinea
- Website:
- www.guineeactu.com
Since Guinea gained its independence from France, in 1958, the country has since been led by ruthless and incompetent regimes, caracterised by dictatorships. The 1st President, Sékou Touré, came to power in 1958 and died while in power in 1984.
General Lansana Conté took over after a coup and reigned until when he died in December 2008. Few hours after Conté's death, a junta, led by Colonel Moussa Dadis Camara seized power and formed a Government of Transition. The junta promised to organise, in six (6) months, free and fair elections in which the junta and the members of the Government of Transition will be not take part.
As the junta leader started breaking his promise not to take part in the elections, the political parties and the civil society organised, on 28th September 2009, a meeting in Conakry, at the Stadium of 28th September. Several thousands of people attended the meeting.
While the people were in the stadium, the army barged in and fired on the civilians, killing over 150 people and injuring thousands more. Several women were tortured, publicly rapped and also abducted for the same purpose. This was denounced by the whole international community and the crimes were considered as crimes against humanity.
This situation created a crisis. Early December 2009, the leader of the junta survived from an attempt on his life. In January 2010, the Agreement between the junta, the Civil Society and the Political Parties was signed in Ouagadougou, under the mediation of Blaise Compaoré, president of Burkina Faso. Under the Agreement, free and fair presidential elections in which the junta and the members of the new Government of Transition must not take part must be organised in six (6) months.
The first round of the Presidential Elections took place on 27th June 2010 and after over four months of delay, the second round was held on 7th November 2010.
Please sign this petition to express your support to people of Guinea and the victims.
Nous, les Sous-signés, affirmons à haute et vive voix que TROP C’EST TROP.
Nous exigeons á ce que le choix du peuple soit respecté et le départ immédiat du Général Sékouba Konaté et sa junte et Jean Marie Doré & son Gouvernement afin de libérer le pauvre peuple opprimé de Guinée.
Nous invitons la Communauté internationale á prendre toutes les dispositions nécessaires afin d’arrêter tout soutien et tout hébergement de ce Groupuscule qui s’attelle á opprimer le peuple Guinéen. Nous demandons à ce qu’une Enquête Indépendante soit faite sur les tueries suites aux violences élecctorales et ethniques et toutes autres rélatives à venir.
Nous exigeons à ce que tous les commanditaires et exécuteurs des crimes, œuvres lugubres soient conduits devant la Justice.
En Guinée, nous voulons que le verdict des urnes soit respecté, et cela, á tout prix. Le Droit rien que le Droit. Nous supportons la Justice, l'Egalité et la Paix en Guinée Conakry.
Manque de justice, de libertés et Droits de l'Homme. Trop c'est Trop! Agissons maintenant !
Votre signature exprimera votre voix au plus haut niveau. Si vous ne signez pas, le groupe Sékouba Konaté, Jean Marie Doré et acolytes vont continuer à régner et à tuer le peuple dans l’impunité et pour longtemps. Nous ne voulons point cela; et vous non plus.
Si vous soutenez notre Campagne et cette Dénonciation, veuillez signer cette Pétition et faites-la circuler.
Envoyez ce lien a vos amis et connaissances: http://www.gopetition.com/petition/41062.html
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The Démocratisation de la Guinée-Conakry : STOP Violence & Répression ethnique petition to United Nations, Eurpean Union, Human Rights Organisations, ECOWAS, France, USA, UK, Nigeria, ... was written by Abraham and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.