- Target:
- The Duluth City Council
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.facebook.com
This effort is being made to provide Duluth residents an opportunity to voice their opinion about the damaging effects, to our political process, to our democracy, of huge amounts of unaccounted for money being infused into our election process since multinational corporate money was declared to be legally the same as an individual person’s right to free speech and since multinational corporations, even foreign multinational corporations, were declared to be identical, in the eyes of the law, as an individual person.
Since Citizens United, in 2010, the people have become less, and less, in control of our election process as their voices, and their freedom of speech, are being drowned out by Dark Money and Super PAC money.
We must have transparency in our political process.
We must get our country back into the hands of the people!
We, the undersigned, petition the Duluth City Council to place the following question onto the 2016, fall, Duluth City ballot:
Do you stand with other individuals, and communities, across the country to defend democracy from the corrupting effects of undue power derived from the use of money to influence our elections and subsequent legislation and regulations by calling for an amendment to the United States Constitution to establish that:
1. Money is not a form of protected free speech under the First Amendment and can be regulated in political campaigns and
2. Inalienable rights belong to human beings only.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the People of Duluth, Minnesota, hereby instruct our local, state, and federal representatives to enact resolutions, and legislation, to support, and advance, this effort.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Duluthians Believe that Money Is Not Free Speech petition to The Duluth City Council was written by Duluth Area Move To Amend and is in the category Government at GoPetition.