- Target:
- Governor of SC, SC Legislator, Speaker of the House, SC Senate, Senate Majority Ldr
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.facebook.com
A minority of extreme environmentalists have initiated a petition to prevent the bringing of energy jobs to the coastal area of South Carolina. Their voices threaten the will of the 77% majority of the people of this state.
South Carolina has the ability to enter a boom economic period with the advent of new off shore drilling, with the environment being maintained and improved.
Energy production can and does work hand in hand with a clean environment.
Don't let the doom and gloom naysayers stifle your voice, economic well being and future prosperity. What they don't tell you, it's not just about cheaper gas and energy independence. It's also about the everyday products dependent upon petrochemicals. Everything from your daily vitamins, medicines, clothing, kitchenware, furniture, appliances, electronics and so much more! There is barely an item you encounter in your daily life that was not produced with a petrochemical. Yes, even your smart phone and iPad.
Sign the petition to bring energy jobs to South Carolina.
It is understood that:
The United States of America must achieve energy self sufficiency and reduction in reliance on foreign oil.
Less expensive off shore energy production excess can provide export profits and attract major industries to our shore.
Until green energies prove to be productive, reliable, affordable and efficient, we must rely upon the alternatives, such a offshore energy production, clean coal, nuclear and hydroponic sources.
South Carolina offshore drilling will produce thousands of new jobs and millions in additional tax revenue benefits. **(Until offshore surveys are completed and studied no concrete figures can be presented.)
The Gulf of Mexico platforms are highly prized by offshore fishing and diving tourist trips. They form an artificial reef teeming with life and generate for Louisiana alone, over 5,500 full time jobs and around $324 million annually. The reefs produce fish densities anywhere from 10 to 100 times than that of the sea floor, per Bob Shipp, professor at the Marine Sciences Department, University of South Alabama.

3000 of the current 3700 off shore US oil platforms are in the Gulf of Mexico, with 1/3 of the commercial fisheries in North America, situated in Louisiana. These platforms produce 80% of US oil and 72% of US natural gas.
Dr. Charles Wilson of LSU's Department of Oceanography & Coastal Science, states, "The fish Biomass around an off shore oil platform is 10 times greater per unit area than that for natural coral reefs." he adds, "Then to 30,000 adult fish live around an oil production platform in an area half the size of a football field."

In a study by Dr. Shipp, found that the northwestern part of the Gulf of Mexico was basically empty of stocks of red snapper for the 1st hundred years of the fishery. With the appearance of thousands of platforms, the western Gulf has become a major source of red snapper.
With SC off shore energy production, the state will experience and increase in not only energy production jobs, but also in the ancillary increase in tourism jobs, increasing fishing and diving tourism, job creation in housing and other supportive industries, as well as increased state and local tax revenues.
The oil rigs will not be seen from coastal communities, like the City of Beaufort, nor from the beaches of Hunting Island. They will be beyond the sight lines of beaches, approximately 75 to 100 miles off shore, in comparatively shallow water as opposed to the Deepwater-Horizon Well, which sits at 5,000 ft. The shallow depth will make the well easier to inspect, maintain and secure from potential accidents.
Island Packet, 8/25/2014, "Since 2010, two well-containment companies have developed technology that could quickly cap and contain a well blowout to prevent another Deepwater Horizon-scale disaster", said Erik Milito, a spokesman for the oil lobbyist American Petroleum Institute.
Read more here: http://www.islandpacket.com/2014/08/25/3276460/boom-or-bust-offshore-liquid-gold.html#storylink=cpy
We, the undersigned, who support off shore oil exploration and drilling, call upon the Governor, State Senate and Legislation to move forward with offshore energy exploration and production.
While no oil drilling adventure will ever be 100% safe from accident, no human adventure can never be 100% safe.
If mankind stifled any new advancement, than this great nation would never have come to fruition. No advancement in society would ever have been accomplished.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Drill Baby, Drill petition to Governor of SC, SC Legislator, Speaker of the House, SC Senate, Senate Majority Ldr was written by Ann Ubelis and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.