- Target:
- Dragon ball z
- Region:
- United States of America
Dragon Ball Zenkai Battle Royale is a fighting game published and developed by Namco Bandai in 2011.
Five years after Super Dragon Ball Z, it marks the return of the anime Dragon Ball arcade.
The game is playable with 4 players simultaneously. The game uses the "system 357", which is the same as the PS3.
Hello everyone !!
I created this petition for dragon ball Zenkai battle royal is on consoles and adapted so that the message be sent to japan namco bandai games. After the various games dragon ball z means the Xbox 360 and PS3, many fans of the series were disappointed and I understand.
With dragon ball dragon ball budokai 3 and tenkaichi budokai 3 had had very good games dbz. Indeed, after the announcement of Dragon Ball Zenkai battle royal, I thought: ha! finally a good game killer by now !
Dragon Ball Zenkai battle royal including seduced me on:
-the vastness of the map.
-effects explosion of light, destroying sets.
-The fidelity of the game (level attacks: Nappa who plants the seeds of sabaiman) compared to the manga.
- The gameplay that resembles a bit of tenkaichi, with a feeling of freedom.
-The fact that we can fight together on the map as a TAG VS on PSP.
-The fact that you can walk, run.
The attacks-well done.
-Being able to heal his teammate giving energy.
-The destruction of planets!
But I was also disappointed:
-The graphics.
-The appariton some bugs.
-Few characters.
Now here we go: either we fight together for Dragon Ball Zenkai battle royal on consoles (and subsequently having significant improvements for future games dbz) or continue to have games dbz means (without any originality) = death of the license.
The choice is yours now ^ ^ If you want to sign the petition go ahead, take it 3s!
Note: This message will transmie to Namco Bandai Games Europe, which will relay the petition for developers.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Dragon ball zenkai battle royal : pétition ! petition to Dragon ball z was written by Calone-rebatel and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.