to stop all the stuff against polyvore
United States of America

ok so there's another petition on here trying to shut down polyvore and there is no reason that they should

this is the petition: http://www.gopetition.com/online/24378.html

this is my set disagreeing with the petition and other websites against polyvore: http://www.polyvore.com/wannna_know_why_we_cant/set?id=9314531

polyvore is a free website for teens to express feelings and a sense of style it is not like polyvore is selling our sets or selling your pictures.

it is your own fault for putting your pictures on the internet, everyone knows pictures can be stolen very easily and again its not like were selling them, just using them. there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Sign this if you don't want polyvore to get shut down!!

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The Don't Shut Down Polyvore petition to to stop all the stuff against polyvore was written by caitlyn and is in the category Miscellaneous at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

dont shut down polyvore