Important news* Did you know ebay will NOT be selling tarot readings, psychic readings, reiki, metaphysical jewelry, spells, magic, healing, blessing services**+++++ anymore!! As of end of September 1st!
Contact ebay let them know .. Spread the word! this isnt right!
There are so many people that work so hard to do this everyday, and countless more people who depend on our services! For the few bad apples and problems ebay may have.... is a thousands even millions more successful and happy clients every day!
So I was thinking.. over 1,000 signatures is great... so far for the petition in ebay... However I alone on here have over 500 friends, on twitter over 4,000? I look at it this way, although ebay shutting its metaphysical community down may not bother you. Maybe you are on keen, or bitwine, oranum.... ++++ Maybe you go other places. This is fine. But not signing this signature just allows the other side to win* The skeptics that bash us as a whole, the non believers, the various religions, the ones that think all metaphysical is a scam, a crook a "Charlton" IT is people like this that think gee see there isn't a lot of people in the world who believe! See look even psychics aren't supporting this .. as I have seen actually written because of the one "psychic" that wrote her blog against ebay psychics. People think there are not millions of people who believe, or use.. They stay in their closed minded world.. and this petition can be proof in their mind. So please make this a priority. sign the petition http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/dont-ban-our-psychics-on-ebay.htmlspread
So please Send your letter or email or call* send them this link.. tell them what you think!
*************email them :)****************
Spread the word please.
Also contact and spread the news here...too...
Ebay don't ban our metaphysical services! fight for the psychics and the tarot readers, the witches, wiccans, pagans, new age, healers, blessings, spells, voodoo, items of magic ++++++++ and most of all our clients and friends!
Some examples to deal with this would be:
To keep "just entertaining purposes" as what this is no refunds as per ebays new policy! In conclusion not having to deal with the "headaches" let the people decide for them self the rotten apples*
Tell Ebay You Want Magick, Psychics and Spells to Remain Part of the eBay Metaphysical Marketplace
As many of you may have recently heard from either forum posts or your favorite sellers, eBay is removing much of the Metaphysical Category come Aug. 30th.
We have created a list of eBay contact emails, phone and fax numbers where you can voice you opinion on this and ask eBay to change their minds (please contact the author for this list).
Tell everybody and take it to Twitter and Facebook too! Tell eBay HOW YOU FEEL!
Ebay official Facebook sites:
Ebay Twitter
http://twitter.com/pierre Founder of eBay
http://twitter.com/Tallboy6 This is the CEO John Donahoe!
The Founder of eBay's Website--it can't hurt to email here!
You can use either one of the following eBay 800 numbers to contact eBay by phone: 1-800-322-9266 and 1-888-749-3229.
The telephone number for eBay UK is 02086 053 000.
To contact eBay customer service via fax the number is 1-408-376-6554
Telephone number for eBay's main coporate office: 1-408-558-7400.
A letter template to use if you wish--
To whom it may concern
I am writing to eBay to express my dismay over your recent decision to remove certain categories under the metaphysical heading. While I understand some few sub-par sellers may have caused charge back issues, this is certainly not the norm among sellers in the Metaphysical categories. Most have exemplary feedback and many happy and satisfied repeat customers. In fact, the feedback of metaphysical sellers as a whole is probably far better than sellers of electronics and other like merchandise.
There has also been the statement made that many sellers are dealing in 'intangible' items. While we understand this poses an issue with eBay/Paypal dealing with refunds and charge backs when nothing is mailed, selling an intangible item has long been against eBay policy anyway. Many sellers know this and DO mail items to their customers. Those that do not should be educated in eBay rules to cease this practice which has long been against policy.
What is alarming now is that the blanket term of 'intangilbe item' is being used to ban actual ITEMS. Jewelry, crystals, stones and other items with ADDED energy work or yes, what is commonly called 'spells', are being targeted. What concerns me is your purposed selective enforcement of what you(eBay) terms 'intangible'. It seems you only have targeted those sellers who offer items of a certain occult or esoteric nature, ie. pagan beliefs and witchcraft. Magic, Spells, items of a paranormal or psychic nature, etc....
Sellers have also been told (via EBay's Facebook) that the prices of their tangible items can not reflect any significantly added value put on by any intangible addition. What a nightmare for eBay to enforce since many items listed every day are priced subjectively by the sellers in many categories such as art, antiques, jewelry, vintage items and collectibles. The market determines the price and people will pay the price or they won't. Again this seems like only sellers of certain occult natured items are being singled out for selective enforcement if the Facebook statement is true.
EBay has not disallowed Feng Shui items or 'New Age' items like Crystals used in healing and crystal work, both of which have 'intangible' properties that are believed in by MANY millions and millions around the world and add to their value in the eyes of many. You have not banned rosaries, crucifixes or religious medals, all of which have perceived 'intangible' abilities and energies associated with them. You have not banned items like Aromatherapy products which people use to gain certain 'intangible' benefits from. Magnetic therapy jewelry. Radionic devices and the entire category of natural and homeopathic remedies are items that people must subjectively get 'intangible' and unverifiable benefits from. The list of items with 'intangible' benefits goes on and on. I ask HOW are these any different than spells, blessings, magic and energy work placed upon items? How do these items differ in dealing with any Resolution Center disputes?
I am saddened and deeply concerned that eBay's new policy may appear to some as a form of religious or ideological discrimination against occult and esoteric metaphysical beliefs. Something that I'm sure eBay does not want to imply.
Various Pagan, Neo-pagan, Alternative and Wiccan beliefs are ages old and actually a rapidly growing segment of our world population. Not everyone subscribes to the 'Big Three' religions, four if you include Buddhism.
In fact according to religioustolerance.org:
"A second important statistic is the rate of growth of the Wiccan community. "In May, 1998, the Chicago Tribune reported that, though difficult to quantify due to lack of formal organization, neo-paganism is the fastest-growing religion in North America with the Internet being the prime means of proselytizing." 1 Ms. Curott estimates a doubling in size every 18 months. This growth rate seems quite high, but appears to have some credibility in the Wiccan community. The ARIS survey of the American adult population indicates a growth in the Wiccan community of 17 fold between 1990 and 2001 - the highest of any faith group monitored. This would indicate a doubling in numbers of adherents about ever 30 months. 2 Maria Alupoaicei, who co-authored the book "Generation Hex" claims that "The numbers of [Wiccan] adherents are doubling every 30 months." We suspect that she derived her estimate from this essay. She notes that there are over 700,000 websites for Wiccans on the Internet.
If the latter growth rate is accurate and if it continues, then Wicca would be the third largest religious group in the U.S. by about 2012, behind Christianity and Judaism, and ahead of Islam."
If this is all a misunderstanding, I apologize but there have been many mixed messages coming from eBay Customer Service reps who tell sellers who call in that not only are readings of all types and direct cast spells(non mailed item) being prohibited, but that ANY item, TANGIBLE ITEM, that mentions a spell or magic anywhere in the title or listing is now prohibited. Sellers are told that the use of certain WORDS are banned and listings will be scanned for these certain keywords like magic, prayer, blessing, psychic, spell, haunted, etc... I can only imagine what a nightmare this will become if that is true, with listings being pulled just for using a certain keyword picked up by a computer bot.
I ask that eBay consider carefully how targeting certain beliefs and practices may look to the world as a whole-a world where millions of people hold alternative and differing cultural beliefs. I think sometimes certain corporate departments can be short sighted in making changes whose widespread ramifications are not well thought out.
I am only ONE of HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of persons, both buyers and sellers of items in the Metaphysical Categories that are asking these same questions now.
A concerned eBay member
Note* Important update to clear up information people have been saying and getting from eBay Customer Service reps who tell sellers who call in that not only are readings of all types and direct cast spells(non mailed item) being prohibited, but that ANY item, TANGIBLE ITEM, that mentions a spell or magic anywhere in the title or listing is now prohibited. Sellers are told that the use of certain WORDS are banned and listings will be scanned for these certain keywords like magic, prayer, blessing, psychic, spell, haunted, etc. I can only imagine what a nightmare this will become if that is true, with listings being pulled just for using a certain keyword picked up by a computer bot. [2] Magic, Spells, items of a paranormal or psychic nature, etc. Sellers have also been told (via EBay's Facebook) that the prices of their tangible items can not reflect any significantly added value put on by any intangible addition. What a nightmare for eBay to enforce since many items listed every day are priced subjectively by the sellers in many categories such as art, antiques, jewelry, vintage items and collectibles. The market determines the price and people will pay the price or they won't. EBay has not disallowed Feng Shui items or 'New Age' items like Crystals used in healing and crystal work, both of which have 'intangible' properties that are believed in by MANY millions and millions around the world and add to their value in the eyes of many. You have not banned rosaries, crucifixes or religious medals, all of which have perceived 'intangible' abilities and energies associated with them. [7]
People CLAIMING to cast spells or otherwise do magickal work for customers on eBay do NOT help the cause of the Pagan community! We already have enough propaganda and ignorance working against us, why would ANYONE be upset that eBay is cutting Fraud out of the picture. It's NOT a negative thing, it's a good thing as it stops innocent people from being ripped off in the name of witchcraft. It's NOT discrimination as it also applies to Prayer and other similar Non-Pagan services of this kind. If they were specifically banning PAGAN items or sales, it would be discrimination, but the fact is, they aren't! Tangible items are still for sale, and are NOT being banned! Instead they are banning "services" which are most often not reputable in the first place. [7]
Important news* Did you know ebay will NOT be selling tarot readings, psychic readings, reiki, metaphysical jewelry, spells, magic, healing,blessing services**+++++ anymore!! As of end of September 1st!
Contact ebay let them know. Spread the word! twiiter, facebook, myspace ++++ this inst right! Please sign.
So I was thinking.. over 1,000 signatures is great... so far for the petition in ebay... However I alone on here have over 500 friends, on twitter over 4,000? I look at it this way, although ebay shutting its metaphysical community down may not bother you. Maybe you are on keen, or bitwine, oranum.... ++++ Maybe you go other places. This is fine. But not signing this signature just allows the other side to win* The skeptics that bash us as a whole, the non believers, the various religions, the ones that think all metaphysical is a scam, a crook a "Charlton" IT is people like this . that think gee see there isnt alot of people in the world who believe! See look even psychics arent supporting this .. as I have seen actually written because of the one "psychic" that wrote her blog against ebay psychics. People think there are not millions of people who believe, or use.. They stay in their closed minded world.. and this petition can be proof in their mind.
So please make this a priority. sign the petition http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/dont-ban-our-psychics-on-ebay.htmlspread
The Don't ban our psychics on ebay petition to ebay was written by Chairity and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.