- Target:
- United Nations
- Region:
- United States of America
Traditional Chinese has 5000 years of history compared to Simplified (created by the Chinese Communists which has only less than 60 years duration).
Imagine that Lee Pei's poem be changed to that ugly characters. It would be a shame to all of Lee's family and all other names, home [including China, Taiwan, Hongkong,...] and abroad.
So I would strongly say NO, NO, NO!!!
We are strongly against the United Nations decision to abrogate Traditional Chinese characters beginnig 2008 so that the simplified shall replace it.
That's kind of "bird's nest
occupied by the cuckoo". Isn't it?
So please join me to oppose it, thank you.
Yung-jung Lee
Tseng- I Lee
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The Do not swap simplified Chinese for Traditional! petition to United Nations was written by Yung-Jung Lee and is in the category Education at GoPetition.