Do not allow water to be cut off from the Disabled, Seniors or Military in the city of Smackover
- Target:
- City of Smackover, Arkansas
- Region:
- United States of America
Please show your support to stop the city of Smackover, Arkansas from excessive water bills.
Do not allow water to be cut off from the Disabled, Seniors or Military in the city of Smackover.
Thank you for you support.
Have a very blessed day.
Donald (dondi) Hopkins
Please show your support to stop the city of Smackover, Arkansas from excessive water bills.
Do not allow water to be cut off from the Disabled, Seniors or Military in the city of Smackover.
Thank you for you support.
Have a very blessed day.
Donald (dondi) Hopkins
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Do not allow water to be cut off from the Disabled, Seniors or Military in the city of Smackover petition to City of Smackover, Arkansas was written by Donaldi hopkins and is in the category Government at GoPetition.