- Target:
- Lewisham Council
- Region:
- United Kingdom
- Website:
- maxink.wordpress.com
Thank you very much for signing the petition on Councillors' expenses, the petition is now closed because we achieved the objective.
This week's News Shopper published an article on the issue and in it a Council's spokesman said:
“Papers published ahead of the standards committee did include a full list of councillors’ allowances and claims for expenses.
“However, these were not included on our website due to an oversight. We are grateful to the News Shopper for drawing this to our attention and details are now available online.
It's a victory!
You can view the full article on my blog http://maxink.wordpress.com/
Thanks again.
All the best
Max Calò
On 24th November 2009 the Standards Committee of Lewisham Council decided that subject to a vote at Full Council (vote to take place sometimes in the middle of next year) Councillors' expenses could in the future be made public on the Council's website.
It is bitterly ironic therefore that this year's expenses' list was removed from the Standards Committee papers before their publication on the Council's website.
Despite Lewisham Council's failure to publish it, the list has fortunately found its way out and is now in the public domain ( http://bit.ly/4YKt97 ). It is nevertheless important that any Lewisham resident looking for it on the Council's website would be able to find it with ease.
These missing papers are not of any confidential nature but are instead of great public interest as they clearly show who is more cautious with public money and who isn't.
We the undersigned ask Lewisham Council to make the Councillors' expenses list available online from the Council's website with immediate effect.
We also ask Lewisham Council to produce an official statement explaining why these non-confidential papers were not published online together with the rest of the Standards Committee papers of 24th November 2009.
The Disclose Lewisham Councillors' expenses petition to Lewisham Council was written by Max Calò and is in the category Local Government at GoPetition.