Collect 200,000 signatures and submit to 343 industries

PC cheaters are a global problem. A lot of games have gone bad due to PC cheaters. Now PC cheaters have made it to Halo Infinite. Developers try to fight them, but they constantly lose. The only reasonable solution is to give console players the option to turn off crossplay. The developers allow you to choose only input devices: gamepad or keyboard + mouse. This does not solve the problem, because the PC platform remains the same. PC cheaters use cheats: autoaim, wallhack. Their bullets are super accurate, they look through walls. They have macro mice to remove the recoil so that weapons that fire single shots fire in bursts. Console players can't play. I don't want this game to die from the actions of PC cheaters.

Мы, игроки консолей Xbox, просим 343 industries сделать в игре Halo infinite выбор с какой платформой играть. Не устройства ввода, а именно платформу. Мы просим отключить принудительный кроссплей и дать нам возможность выбирать самим с кем мы хотим играть. Услышите нас и пойдите нам на встречу.

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The Disable crossplay button Halo infinite multiplayer petition to Collect 200,000 signatures and submit to 343 industries was written by Иван Луценко and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.