- Target:
- Polish Parlament
- Region:
- Poland
This petition is to Polish Parliament to free laws abouts poish science and education.
The current law is the carbon - copy of soviet laws regulating science and education structure under military regime.
We ask Polish Parliament to take affirmative steps to desovietize Polish science and education. The current laws regulating financing and structure of Polish academia are nothing but make-uped Soviet laws corrupting freedom of education and science of Polish Nation.
Some of the afirmative steps sould be: lack of requrement of National Exams as entry requrement into Private Universities, Liquidation and clear condemation of Polish Academy of Science as Soviet invigilation device during occupation of Soviet Army.
The following steps are also needed: Liquidation of so called Public Institues, the highest form of soviet ties between communist military and science, Liquidation of so called Professor nominated, highest form of illegal invigilation of communist state over private academia having now the same rights and being obtructed like public, lay off of all scientific personell working under owe of occupied communist states PRL.
We ask Polish Parliament to take affirmative steps to desovietize Polish science and education. The current laws regulating financing and structure of Polish academia are nothing but made-up Soviet laws corrupting freedom of education and science of the Polish Nation.
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The Desovietize science in free Republic of Poland petition to Polish Parlament was written by Henry Goerge and is in the category Science & Technology at GoPetition.