NC Governor Roy Cooper and NC Health Secretary Mandy Cohen
United States of America

As of May 29, 2021, Governor Cooper and Health Secretary Mandy Cohen still mandate that NC school children must wear masks in school buildings. This mask mandate for NC school children has NOT been lifted for summer school or the fall. This mask mandate is harmful to children and must stop!

As of May 29, 2021, Governor Cooper and Health Secretary Mandy Cohen still mandate that NC school children must wear masks in school buildings. This mask mandate for NC school children has NOT been lifted for summer school or the fall. This mask mandate is harmful to children and must stop!
Stand with us and Tell Cooper & Cohen to UNMASK OUR CHILDREN NOW!
The data:
~Kids have been shown in study after study that they are NOT the drivers of spread.
~"Children do not readily acquire SARS-CoV-2 (very low risk), spread it to other children or teachers, or endanger parents or others at home. " 1
~Masks are harmful to the mental and physical health of children.
~Covid-19 infection fatality rates do NOT warrant keeping kids masked!
~Cooper lifted mask mandates in society at large in NC, so he must lift his mask mandate in schools too!!
~Cooper's child-mask mandate is unconstitutional and is harming the health of North Carolina's children!
~NC's largest public school district, Wake County Public Schools' Superintendent Cathy Moore lifted mask mandates for ADULTS in school BUT NOT FOR CHILDREN! This is mentally abusive to our children!
~Many U.S. states' governors have lifted mask mandates! NC's Cooper is an outlier on this.
~Lawsuits in other states have resulted in school mask mandates being lifted.
~Articles supporting that kids should NOT be wearing masks:
1 - https://www.aier.org/article/masking-children-tragic-unscientific-and-damaging/
2 - Coronavirus: 'Reassuring' study of children's 'tiny' risk - BBC News
3 - Infectivity of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in children compared with adults | CMAJ
Support Carolina Teachers Alliance in our efforts to unmask North Carolina's children at school: DONATE HERE: https://givesendgo.com/CAROLINATEACHERSALLIANCE

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The DEMAND TO GOVERNOR COOPER & MANDY COHEN: UNMASK OUR CHILDREN NOW!!! petition to NC Governor Roy Cooper and NC Health Secretary Mandy Cohen was written by Amy Marshall and is in the category Education at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

education masks