- Target:
- President Donald Trump
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- meganmarydeperro.wordpress.com
We are asking Donald Trump when he takes office to unseal original birth certificates and give them back to all adoptees aged eighteen and older.
Adoptees are treated as second class citizens by not having their original birth certificates in most states. Since an original birth certificate is a Federal piece of paper it can be unsealed at the federal level.
Original birth certificates are not sealed because of birthparent privacy (a sugarcoated way to make the adoptee a dirty secret and not a human being) and in fact birthparent privacy does not exist contrary to the myth told by the adoption industry.
An original birth certificate is not sealed until the adoption is finalized, so if a baby is given away for adoption and ends up growing up in foster care he keeps his original birth certificate making privacy null and void. If it were about privacy they'd be sealed at birth.
We are asking Donald Trump when he takes office to unseal original birth certificates and give them back to all adoptees aged eighteen and older. Adoptees are treated as second class citizens by not having their original birth certificates in most states.
Since an original birth certificate is a Federal piece of paper it can be unsealed at the federal level. Original birth certificates are not sealed because of birthparent privacy (a sugarcoated way to make the adoptee a dirty secret and not a human being) and in fact birthparent privacy does not exist contrary to the myth told by the adoption industry.
An original birth certificate is not sealed until the adoption is finalized, so if a baby is given away for adoption and ends up growing up in foster care he keeps his original birth certificate making privacy null and void. If it were about privacy they'd be sealed at birth. It's also ridiculous that even teenagers being adopted have their original birth certificate sealed when clearly they know who their natural parents are.
It is time to unseal original birth certificates and for future adoptions create a certificate of adoption instead of giving an amended (falsified) birth certificate. We also demand there be no veto allowed. A person's civil rights trump a person's feelings.
We also ask that biological mothers wanting to check no contact first be mandated to do twenty sessions of therapy with a therapist not affiliated with an adoption agency. I say this because in my fourteen years of research the rates of PTSD and depression in biological mothers is astoundingly high.
Furthermore the fact most states keep original birth certificates sealed is in fact a Federal crime under Amendment 14 Section I.
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The Demand Original Birth Certificates are Unsealed petition to President Donald Trump was written by Megan DePerro and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.