The Free Lebanese Citizens

I, a Lebanese citizen do hereby declare the Lebanese ruling authorities negligent and riddled with corruption to such an extent that they have brought the country to the brink of total collapse. Below are ten articles stating the firm convictions of the Lebanese people who have hit rock bottom but are nevertheless forging their own path to rebuild their present and future, despite the oppression. No matter the hardships and challenges, we as Lebanese go through, we pledge that “We shall remain united till the end of time to better defend our Lebanon the Great.”

The First Article:
The Ruling Authorities have undermined Lebanon’s independence and neutrality in times of conflicts

The Second Article:
The Ruling Authorities have never ensured the security and safety of all the citizens

The Third Article:
The Ruling Authorities have impoverished the people and destroyed the economy

The Fourth Article:
The Ruling Authorities have perpetuated a culture of corruption and covered it up for the corrupt

The Fifth Article:
The Ruling Authorities have manipulated the judiciary and repressed freedom

The Sixth Article:
The Ruling Authorities have severely damaged the environment and destroyed natural landscapes

The Seventh Article:
The Ruling Authorities have wrecked the infrastructure and stolen its reconstruction funds

The Eighth Article:
The Ruling Authorities have been negligent with our national heritage and archeological monuments

The Ninth Article:
The Ruling Authorities have failed to provide health care and education for all

The Tenth Article:
The Ruling Authorities have plunged the country into unemployment and pushed youth migration

:الـــبـنـــــــــــــــــد الأوّل
الــسـلـطـــــــة الحــــــــاكــمـــــة فــرّطت باستقلال لبنــان وبحيــاده عن الصـراعــــــات

:الـــبـنـــــــــــــــــد الـثــــــــــــــــــــــــاني
الــسـلـطـــــــة الحــــــــاكــمـــــة فـشــلـت في توفير الأمـن والأمان لمـــواطـنـيـهـــــــا

:الـــبـنـــــــــــــــــد الـثـــــــــــــــــــــــالـث
الــسـلـطـــــــة الحــــــــاكــمـــــة أفقــــــرت النــــــــاس ودمّـــــــرت الاقـــتـــصـــــــــــاد

:الـــبـنـــــــــــــــــد الـــــــــــــــــــــــــرابـع
الــسـلـطـــــــة الحــــــــاكــمـــــة عمّمـت ثقــافـة الفســـــاد وحـمــت الـفـــاســــــديـن

:الـــبـنـــــــــــــــــد الـخــــــــــــــــــــامس
الــسـلـطـــــــة الحــــــــاكــمـــــة تحـكّـــمت بالــــقــضـــــــــاء وقـمـعـت الحــــريّــــــــــات

:الـــبـنـــــــــــــــــد الـســـــــــــــــــــادس
الــسـلـطـــــــة الحــــــــاكــمـــــة شــوّهت بيئـتـنـا ولوّثتهـــــا وخربت الــطبيـعـــــــــة

:الـــبـنـــــــــــــــــد الــســــــــــــــــــــابــع
الــسـلـطـــــــة الحــــــــاكــمـــــة دمّــرت البنى التحتيــة وســرقت أمـوال إعمارهـــــــا

:الـــبـنـــــــــــــــــد الـثــــــــــــــــــــــامـن
الــسـلـطـــــــة الحــــــــاكــمـــــة اسـتـهـترت بالتـــراث الوطـنــي وأهـمـلـت الآثـــار

:الـــبـنـــــــــــــــــد الـتـــــــــــــاســـــــــع
الــسـلـطـــــــة الحــــــــاكــمـــــة عجـزت عن توفيـــر الصحـــة والــــتـعــليم للــجميـــع

:الـــبـنـــــــــــــــــد الـعــــــــــــــاشــــــــر
الــسـلـطـــــــة الحــــــــاكــمـــــة أغرقــت البــلاد في البطـــالــــــة وهجّرت الشــــــباب

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The DECLARATION FOR A NEW LEBANON & ITS LIBERATION FROM THE CORRUPT RULING AUTHORITIES petition to The Free Lebanese Citizens was written by Annahar and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.