Viz Media, Crunchyroll
United States of America

For 4 years, Dattebayo Fansubs have been subbing the popular anime Naruto. Dattebayo has been dedicated to subbing Naruto, as well as other anime, and have done a splendid job making the anime more enjoyable and understandable.

For nearly 4 years, Dattebayo has provided karaoke for the episodes, and well translated subtitles.

Please support and sign petition to bring back Dattebayo Fansub into the world of Naruto again.

Dattebayo is a Fansub group that has brought enjoyment to our anime, providing great translation subtitles, high quality video, and karaoke for the opening theme as well as the ending theme.

Please support this petition.

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The Dattebayo Fansub to continue subbing Naruto petition to Viz Media, Crunchyroll was written by Eddie and is in the category Miscellaneous at GoPetition.