#Law & Order
State Attorney
United States of America

Do the CRIME - Do the TIME
Do you want criminals behind bars? Do you want prosecutors to go to trial and not plea out cases? The police do an outstanding job of catching criminals. We want the prosecutors to go to trial to prove the defendant guilty as charged to support our law enforcement and take criminals off our streets. Fentanyl is one of the deadliest drugs in our society, killing over 150 people every day according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Anyone arrested for drug trafficking should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

This petition is to show support for prosecutors to bring criminals to trial for drug trafficking and if convicted ask for the mandatory minimum prison sentences and fines. No plea deals. Drug trafficking is intentional offense and defendants should be be able to go to rehab like a celebrity and go free. They must do the time to truly learn there are consequences for breaking the law.

We, the undersigned, call on all state prosecutors any drug trafficking conviction to get mandatory minimum sentence and fine. No Plea Deals

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