- Target:
- US Citizens who are concerned over healthcare reform.
- Region:
- United States of America
Currently, the President of the United States as well as members of the United States Congress are currently pushing to enact legislation to reform the American health care system.
The current version of the bill, is titled, "America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 (H.R.3200)"
"To provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans and reduce the growth in health care spending, and for other purposes"
The bill includes a measure that would create a government run health insurance company. The current bill was written over a few week period at the behest of President Obama. We do not believe that a law, which would impact 16% of the US economy and over three hundred million people, should be written in such haste.
We are proposing that before tackling the issue of reforming the US health care system, committing trillions of dollars and creating tax burdens and deficits for future generations of Americans, that a commission should be formed, made up of health care professionals, economists, health insurance professionals, US citizens and anyone else who can assist, to examine health care in America today.
A commission that would be charged with identifying the root cause of the problems with the system, discover the positives in the system and make educated, fact based recommendations on how best to reform US heath care, in order to lower costs, increase access and most of all to create a health care system that becomes the shining example to the world.
To President Obama and the Congress of the United States of America,
We the people of the United States would like to ask you to scrap the "America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 (H.R.3200)".
We are deeply concerned over the haste with which this legislation is being put together and call upon you to form a commission; made up of various subject matter experts from the medical field, insurance industry, economists and US citizens (the end users of any health care reforms), to examine the state of the US health care system today.
The commission should be, at the very least, charged with:
A) Getting to the root cause of problems in the system
B) Identifying what works well in the system
C) Determining areas of improvement
D) Listen to the concerns of the people.
E) Make recommendations for reform that will improve health care options, reduce costs to the consumer as well as the provider, with as little cost to the American taxpayer as possible.
The commission members should be non partisan and, as much as possible, be selected from the private sector.
The commission should have ample time to perform the due diligence required to develop recommendations that can be implemented successfully.
We would like to thank you, in advance, for your kind attention to this matter.
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The Create a Commision to Examine Healthcare Reform petition to US Citizens who are concerned over healthcare reform. was written by hcomnow and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.