Copeland Aftercare - Help us to remain operational and sustain the benefits to our local community

- Target:
- Board of Directors
- Region:
- United Kingdom
Copeland Aftercare is a unique organisation that specialises in supporting people with addictions in Alcohol & Drugs to enter into Recovery/Aftercare.
We are a group of ex- substance users who completed mainstream services and identified how easy it is to relapse back into addiction at the most critical time in our lives; we were 100% determined not to let our brains re-program our minds and choose addiction so we supported each other in finding a long-term solution, one that we designed through consultation of service users, one that works.
We have a fine group of Directors made up of professional people and the ex-services users who founded Copeland Aftercare, and are passionate about helping people recover from drug and alcohol dependency. We know from experience that with the right support, people can change. Everyone is different: some people will make a full recovery; some will get there in the end after several relapses to lead healthier and happier lives.
We work closely with partners in the statutory, voluntary and private sectors to give people the support they need to recover. Service users often need to use a range of services from health and housing to benefits and employment agencies. By working together, we can overcome the hurdles and offer joined-up solutions. We work closely with the NHS, police, job centre plus, and the Workers’ Educational Association to ensure that new and existing members get the care and support they need to reintegrate back into society.
We provide living proof that addiction can be beaten while offering an alternative to the revolving door of statuary services and addiction? We have a weekly menu offering members safe relationships and a range of social, diversionary, training and development activities, pre & post weekend support sessions. We offer peer support, one to ones and group life skills sessions for our members to help and encourage them to relearn their life skills that addiction cruelly took away from them.
Support Steps:
• Examination of substance use and its consequences
• Re-examination of lifestyle
• Maintain positive developments that members have made in their structured treatment
• Promotion self worth and resumption of responsibility
• Identification of strengths and weaknesses and practice of coping strategies
• Setting of realistic and obtainable personal goals and strategies to achieve them
• To have structure through a programme of activities and training to promote constructive use of time
• To improve interaction skills and make relationships in preparation for a return to society and work
• Programme of support for members as they move to a future in society and employment.
We, the undersigned support the sustainable future of the Copeland Aftercare services and see the benefit of the essential support, personal development opportunities and purpose it offers to its members.
It provides a stable environment for vulnerable people to focus on their recovery and integrate back into society with a willingness to succeed.
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The Copeland Aftercare - Help us to remain operational and sustain the benefits to our local community petition to Board of Directors was written by Copeland Aftercare and is in the category Health at GoPetition.