#Law & Order
United States of America

To: Congress

We demand that you provide Americans battling mental health problems with better access to mental health treatment by instituting the Mental Health Reform Act right away.

1 in 5 American adults are affected by some sort of mental illness, but with easier access to the right help and treatment, these numbers could be drastically reduced. The problem is, most adults that have mental health problems are being denied the medical attention they cannot live without.

The scary statistics about mental health issues in the U.S.:

• The suicide rate in America is approximately double the murder rate
• Approximately half of Americans experiencing mental illness haven’t received mental health treatment or care within the last year
• Most insurance plans either deny or dramatically restrict mental health treatment and care

The Mental Health Reform Act of 2016 can help with the following:

• Provide better access to the mental health care needed by providing more mental health professionals
• Make health insurance companies more accountable for their lack of mental health coverage

Together, we can change this.

If more American start putting more pressure on our senators by demanding they start doing their job and stand by the millions of Americans and their relatives and finally pass the Mental Health Reform Act. Americans who need this reform cannot wait any longer for change.

We at Mental Illness Dating believe that congress needs to pass the Mental Health Reform Act.

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The Congress: Please Institute the Mental Health Reform Act Immediately petition to Congress was written by Marietta A. Noack and is in the category Law & Order at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

mental health