Western Sydney University

Approximately 1 billion disposable coffee cups are sent to landfill in Australia each year. This is due to the inability for the cups to be recycled as they contain a waterproof plastic lining known as polyethylene. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-02-03/takeaway-coffee-cups-piling-up-in-landfill/7136926 

- Coffee cups, when sent to landfill, release methane gas into our environment.
- When coffee cups and plastic lids are littered, some end up in our oceans where our marine life mistake the broken up pieces of litter for food, endangering their lives.

Western Sydney University campuses do not currently have a separate recycling system for single-use disposable coffee cups. With nearby cafes that provide hot drinks in disposable coffee cups, the introduction of separate recycling bins would dramatically decrease the number of cups that are placed in the general waste bin and the level of contamination in the yellow recycling bins.

As part of my university project, I am focussing on trying to get WSU Liverpool and Bankstown campuses to implement Closed Loop's Simply Cups coffee cup recycling scheme. Although there are multiple campuses, I have chosen to focus on these two to start, with potential petitioning for other campuses in future.

For more information on the Simply Cups initiative, please visit:

As a part of the Western Sydney university community, I am calling on students, staff and community members to sign this petition for the introduction of Simply Cups - coffee cup recycling bins on Liverpool and Bankstown campuses by the end of 2019. The introduction of these bins will assist our university community in working towards a more sustainable future as we decrease the number of disposable coffee cups that are sent to landfill in Australia each year.

The initial introduction of Simply Cups recycling onto Liverpool and Bankstown campuses can be considered as a trial for further consideration and implementation on all Western Sydney University campuses.

Please feel free to complete the 2 minute survey below on coffee cup usage and recycling:

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The Coffee Cup Recycling at WSU petition to Western Sydney University was written by Eden Foley-White and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.