- Target:
- Shepway District Council
- Region:
- United Kingdom
- Website:
- cycleshepway.org.uk
There is fantastic potential for a 20-mile seafront cycleway from Folkestone Harbour to Dungeness, a high grade recreational facility for visitors and residents alike that will boost health, tourism, transportation and the Shepway economy.
Like the safe and scenic coastal cycleways of North Kent and Nord Pas de Calais, a dedicated cycleway from Folkestone to Dungeness would put Shepway back on the tourist map - a destination attraction for cyclists, be they long distance riders or a family with bikes on a day-trip from London.
The Folkestone-Dungeness Cycleway is the ambition of Damian Collins, MP for Folkestone and Hythe. The campaign for its realisation is headed by Cycle Shepway, the pressure group for better cycling that must lobby, cajole and propel our authorities into coordinated action.
This petition will be presented to Shepway District Council, Kent County Council, the Environment Agency, the Ministry of Defence and other interested parties such as town and parish councils.
We, the undersigned, want the creation of a safe and legal coastline cycleway and footpath from Folkestone to Dungeness and request the councils and agencies responsible to work urgently towards its achievement.
This petition will be presented to Shepway District Council, Kent County Council, the Environment Agency, the Ministry of Defence and other interested parties such as town and parish councils.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Coastline Cycleway petition to Shepway District Council was written by Cycle Shepway and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.