Cambridge Minor Hockey Association

CMHA has knowingly violated their code of conduct by appointing Jeff Pelley as AAA coach this season. There is enough proof from families that this coach is not in the best interest of the kids he's to teach. Jason Ireton, as Supervisor of Coaches, friend to Pelley and father to son on team is clearly tampering by appointing Jeff Pelley to this position. CMHA won't listen to individual emails or complaints. This petition will let them know it's not just one or two families but everyone who knows they've again done the wrong thing.

Help send a message to CMHA that Jeff Pelley is not the coach choice for our kids and our families. He was appointed by a corrupt Executive and needs to step down or be removed.

The CMHA Coach Selection petition to Cambridge Minor Hockey Association was written by cmha must change and is in the category Sports at GoPetition.