- Target:
- Colorado State House Of Representatives & Senate
- Region:
- United States of America
Public Officials must take and Oath of Office in support of the U.S. Constitution and Colorado State Constitution an guarantee a Republican form of government.
Article X of the U. S. Constitution states "the power not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the People."
The People of Colorado in County Assembled hereby declare that the Federal Government surrendered any perceived jurisdiction to legislate over the People. Acting in fraud and deceit by not disclosing that they behind closed doors passed the INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION IMMUNITIES ACT OF 1945. Wherein U.S. and State Offices became Foreign Agents representing the UNITED NATIONS. A known communist organization!
The Federal Congress is under fraud, bribery and treason intentionally intending to violate our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by drafting, passing and attempting to implement a systematic plan to defraud the People of Colorado by enforcement of an unwanted and criminal health care system using extortion, threat of imprisonment and theft of personal funds.
We the People of Colorado hereby reject all intrusion into our private lives and choices that are held so dear as to our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and to make our own personal and individual choices without federal or state government intrusion!
We hereby instruct any de-jure State Officials, law enforcement and militia to protect our freedom to choose and to be free from any representatives violating our rights. This Bill shall include the right to imprison and fine any federal or state representative acting on behalf of federal, state or United Nations representatives.
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The Citizens Of Colorado Petition Against Federal Intrusion petition to Colorado State House Of Representatives & Senate was written by Beryl Koenig and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.