Icasa - The independent communications authority
South Africa

The cost for internet connectivity is extremely expensive, confusing and unaffordable to many people in South Africa and is hindering South Africans in growing their businesses as well as furthering their education. The existing extortionate rates are restricting many South Africans to stay connected to the internet and to the rest of the world and this is preventing economic growth and personal development.

The internet is a powerful resource tool which provides people with the opportunity to educate themselves, creates business opportunities and is good for economic growth. It should be a human right to have easy and affordable access to the internet.

We the undersigned, call on Icasa, to force South African telecommunications companies to reduce the high cost of internet and to make it affordable to every person in South Africa. The current caps and Gig allowance is far too expensive and for the average user unaffordable.

1. Make a basic package in the price range of R199 a month with 10 Gigs or R19.90 a Gig.

2. To make 3G product options more affordable and in the same price range of R199 for 10 Gigs or R19.90 a Gig.

3. To allow customers the option to carry over unused internet if they have paid for it. This option should be made available if Icasa telecommunications providers do not provide the above options or a better option than what is currently available.

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The Cheaper and Uncapped Internet for South Africa petition to Icasa - The independent communications authority was written by Romany Thresher and is in the category Internet at GoPetition.