- Target:
- All of the Community
- Region:
- United Kingdom
- Website:
- www.keepthegreen.org.uk
Wildlife is being decimated by climate change, ocean acidification, loss of habitat, overhunting, industrial farming and pollution, and these are all increasing because of rising human overpopulation, especially in the UK with our high standard of living. The fact that everything is globally interconnected means that we are not just destroying our own UK wildlife, but also causing the extinction of polar bears, elephants and countless other species worldwide.
The traditional Laws of Nature enabled our ancestors to evolve as part of Nature for hundreds of thousands of years. Our task today is to make the health and harmony of Nature central to our social customs and norms. Absolute natural limits are now quantified by the laws of ecology and physics, and the comparative science of anthropology describes the fundamentals of decent human behaviour.
Three community initiatives operate in parallel to the existing world of political parties, financial interests, and government agencies:
• Made In Greenwich is a community interest company that organises time exchange to enable individual creative initiatives. www.madeingreenwich.co.uk
• Maritime Greenwich Forum is the community forum for the UNESCO world heritage site. It conducts street-by-street internet polling on different issues. www.maritimegreenwichforum.org.uk
• Keep The Green co-ordinates projects. www.keepthegreen.org.uk
Our own Maritime Greenwich Declaration by the local community, incorporating the results of these initiatives, will be made on November 6th 2017, 800 years after the signing of Magna Carta’s ‘Charter of the Forest’ about commoner rights.
More information from Made In Greenwich Art Gallery & Meeting Place, 324 Creek Road, Greenwich, London SE10 9SW.
We behave rightly when we preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the community of people, creatures and plants, and our actions are often indefensible when we ignore this principle.
With this aim in mind, I pledge support for the Charter for Animals & Nature, and ask others to support our projects.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Charter for Animals & Nature petition to All of the Community was written by Keep The Green and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.