
The U.S. state of Connecticut began as three distinct settlements of Puritans from Massachusetts and England;they combined under a single royal charter in 1663. Known as the "land of steady habits" for its political, social and religious conservatism, the colony prospered from the trade and farming of its ethnic English, Protestant population. The Congregational and Unitarian churches became prominent here. Connecticut played an active role in the American Revolution, and became a bastion of the conservative, business-oriented, Constitutionalism Federalist Party. But flashing forward to 2018 Connecticut is the most boring state I have ever been in. Being in this state has brought me nothing but heart ache and crippling depression. I’d wake up every morning like “damn I’m still in Connecticut” the environment is bad and the people are worse. The state song should display what not only myself but many other people feel while being in this state.

Connecticut is the most boring state I have ever been in. Being in this state has brought me nothing but heart ache and crippling depression. I’d wake up every morning like “damn I’m still in Connecticut” the environment is bad and the people are worse. The state song should display what not only myself but many other people feel while being in this state. So I say we should petition to change the state song by Logic because this state make me want to kill myself everyday

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The Changing Connecticut’s State Song petition to Connecticut was written by Jaxon Bryant and is in the category Government at GoPetition.