#Human Rights
Edward M. Kennedy, U.S. Senator, Chairman, Subcommittee on Immigration, Senate Judiciary Committee
United States of America

This Petition was started to lobby for the change of prohibitive U.S. Policy that makes it virtually impossible for North Korean refugees, in particular the young orphaned children, who are currently living in fear and hiding in China, to seek asylum and resettlement in the U.S. Countless thousands of these young children live on the streets under the constant threat of hunger, exploitation, abuse, arrest and repatriation. Recent crackdowns by the Chinese, who treat these refugees as illegal aliens, have worsened the situation, and immediate action is critical to saving these fragile lives.

We are concerned U.S. citizens who are dismayed by official U.S. policy (e.g. the State Department's refusal to accept asylum requests at U.S. Embassies that makes it virtually impossible for North Korean refugees, in particular the poor defenseless orphan children, who are living in hiding and fear in China, to seek asylum and resettlement in the U.S. These children have no one to protect them from the mean streets where they are under constant threat of hunger, abuse, exploitation, arrest and repatriation. We cannot sit idly by and allow this travesty to continue. We must make our country available as a safe haven for these children and save their precious lives. Therefore we call upon you to take immediate steps to ease these policy barriers so that we can bring these children to our shore where they can be nourished, nurtured and saved.

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The Change U.S. Policy to Save North Korean Refugee Children in China petition to Edward M. Kennedy, U.S. Senator, Chairman, Subcommittee on Immigration, Senate Judiciary Committee was written by Jina Nam and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.