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Season 8 of Game of Thrones is dark and full of errors my dear friends.
This show was to be the best in television history. It has been around now since a decade and I think we all and also the crew members and the cast deserve the best ending Well it hasn‘t to be perfect to be honest but it should be somehow allright.
What we got is just crap. Youtube is full of videos about this disaster so I won‘t bother to make a list here (would be to long anyway)
Well to sumarize: I am NOT okay with this crap they call writing and I‘m sure there are many people out there who share my opinion. I will not accept this! It‘s like doing a 100 km marathon and knocking on the door for a world record just to break your own legs 5 meters before finishing line.
Let‘s subvert the expactations and make this petition so big that they can‘t ignore it anymore! Let‘s make the miracle happen! We are the only hope left my dear friends.
What do we say to the god of bad endings?
We demand that HBO retcons everything that happened in season 8 so far.
We further demand a new season 8 with new writers (everyone in Youtube comment section under any GoT video seem to be better than the current ones so you doesn‘t even have any problems to find someone)
Mistakes were made. But it‘s never too late to correct them.
As a bonus we also demand 10 episodes this time because it‘s obvious that all the mysteries can‘t be solved in a satisfying way in 6 episodes).
Thanks for reading and yeah, english is not my mother language so... sorry for that.
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The Change the Game of Thrones ending! petition to HBO was written by Onuriko Monumento and is in the category Television at GoPetition.