
It is noted that John Cena has been champion for 10 months. It is also noted that WWE is losing the more traditional fans to TNA.

John Cena preforms the same 5 move sets in each match he wins. WWE matches and storylines involving John Cena have become predictable.

Various wrestlers are out due to injury.

Diversity is the key to expanding business.

We, the undersigned, ask WWE to recognise that fans are not happy with the increased backing of John Cena.

We believe it is disrespectful to such Wrestlers as Undertaker and HBK to make them submit to a move which an amateur could preform.

That we further believe that the writers are of no credit to the company with predictable storylines/matches. That there are other people whom are more deserving of the title.

We ask that rather than bring in the same type of wrestler (muscular, minimal knowledge of techniques, brawler), diversify the business so that a new generation of fans is introduced to such successes as we saw in the attitude era and before.

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The Change The Champ! petition to WWE was written by Katie and is in the category Sports at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

wrestling WWE cena