United States of America

Hi everyone

In this this petition, we're both asking and demanding for the FCC, MTV and VH1 to go back to showing 24 hour non-stop original old school music videos from the 1980s, 1990s and early 2000s again and also show the good music videos from [2006-2009] too. MTV and VH1 both used to be the top two revolutionary and golden age music channels to watch the greatest music videos and all of our favorite original music legend artists, rock bands, groups, boy bands and many more! And MTV and VH1 both used to show other music videos from other countries worldwide on TV in the U.S. too. And now MTV and VH1 have both became a big hot steaming pile of sh*t with all of these stale and irrelevant reality shows and politically correct cr*p that they show on MTV and VH1 now!

And we want all of these fake PC reality shows that are stale as hell all cancelled and we want to watch all of the original classic music videos and all of the good music videos on MTV and VH1 again permanently. I mean, after all, MTV and VH1 were always meant to be music video channels only permanently. And Who does not remember back in the day when you'd get home from school and spend your whole afternoon & evening watching the newest music videos constantly streaming all day? It was relaxing and fun to watch music videos whenever you had free time with your best family and friends.

No one knows when MTV and VH1 made the transition from awesome music videos to completely & utterly horrible. Now all we have is reality tv, annoying commercials with modern day talentless rappers of today, but... no old school music?!? That's BS. So this petition is for MTV and VH1 to play MUSIC VIDEOS again; NOT reality shows! Real music fans do not like what they broadcast now and it's turning people’s brain to mush. After all, it's called MUSIC TELEVISION...MTV: we want back the good, relaxing Music Television that was really about music for all music fans to enjoy instead of being annoyed; so please change back your MTV and VH1 channels back to original music videos again!

If you agree, please sign this petition. Thank you.

Notice: MTV and VH1 have stopped showing original music videos because of youtube. Well newsflash: Not everyone in the U.S. and worldwide wants to watching music videos on youtube and be depressed by youtube's censorship and PC BS because google has destroyed youtube big time!

Yes, I know there are MTV Classic and VH1 Classic on digital cable that show the old school music videos. But newsflash: Not everyone in the U.S. and worldwide can afford to pay for those two channels because cable is so damn expensive today! And not everyone wants to pay extra expensive money to buy and stream MTV Classic and VH1 Classic either.

Everyone with good taste like me just want to watch the old school and good
music videos and the actual VH1 and MTV channels because that's what will improve the music industry and move society and pop culture life forward in all future decades with pure greatness.

Not today's dead and stale reality TV shows with left side BS PC in them! So please show hour music videos on MTV and VH1 again in memory and tribute to all of the artists who have died and left us all too soon. Thank you.

[mtv and vh1 classic]

The Change MTV and VH1 back to 24 hour music videos and play music videos on MTV and VH1 again petition to The FCC, MTV, VH1 was written by Jacob Andrew Sosa and is in the category Music at GoPetition.