
With the current European leagues coming to a close, the nature of awarding the teams based on performance in the league system has been in use for long and has become redundant and out of time.

In this petition, I intend to introduce new points system that will reward football clubs that perform well in league games at the same time give as expected to poorly performing sides. Basically, this will create a fair award system.

Specifics include;
4points-Awarded to a team that wins without conceding a goal
3points-Awarded to a team that wins but concedes a goal(s).
2points-Awarded to teams that draw but have scored a goal(s)
1point-Awarded to teams that draw but do not score in the match
0points-Awarded to teams that lost the match but scored a goal(s)
-1point-Awarded to teams that lost a match and did not score a goal.

We, request the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), to take into consideration for review, this proposed new points award system for implementation in football leagues.

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The Change Football Points Award System petition to FIFA was written by Martin Wahome and is in the category Football at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

soccer football FIFA UEFA