- Target:
- CEGL - Banned
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.punksbusted.com
I, Colton "Doobie" Reedy, have been banned from Cegl. Not from the forums but from playing in any matches, period. I was banned because of a faulty GUID (your "fingerprint" for your game) that I received from an ex-clan member.
I did not know it was on the MBL (Master Ban List). Gdz had shown me this recently (estimated 2 months ago) and there were Pbss's of people wallhacking. Then he showed me the IP's of these hackers and they came out to be in the locations of Germany, Russia, and China.
I do not live in Russia Germany or China, I live in Texas. To prove this I can go to a Dallas/Fort Worth Server (two cities located in Texas) and I'll ping any where from 5-20. Gdz then asked me if I knew how to proxy. I had heard of proxy things that "spoof" your IP making it seem like you live in any of those countries listed before. But because I do not have any such programs I find it hard beleive that I live in Germany, Russia, or China. Then on October 18, 2006 I received an Xfire from Gdz once again saying I was put on the CEGL ban list.
To me this was shocking because I was told that CEGL would probably not take action on screen shots of people in foreign countries on my guid.
I, Colton "Doobie" Reedy, plead to the admins and players for Call of Duty to sign this petition and get me unbanned for something I have not done.
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The CEGL banlist - unban Colton "Doobie" Reedy petition to CEGL - Banned was written by Colton and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.