- Target:
- World Government of World Citizens
- Region:
The history behind canibus sativa can be viewed here at this link:
The evidence to support why Canibus Sativa would be a better choice than an inorganic form of currency such as the Gold/Silver/paper/coin that are used worldwide are as follows...
-An Inorganic form of currency like Gold or Silver does not hold immediate supportable value to your life and environment.
-Elimination of poverty and banks worldwide by way of the possibility of cultivating one's own wealth by growing canibus sativa. This, in turn, would take the discipline of growing and caring for a plant, proving us worthy of obtaining such wealth.
- The plant canibus sativa could be used in a variety of ways to replace destructive methods of production that leave an imprint on the environment and us as people. Here are links to show evidence of this:
"We, the people of the planet Earth, call on the World Government of World Citizens to eliminate invaluable currency and banking systems and to implement the use of the plant Canibus Sativa as a natural resource and new self-cultivatable currency."
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The Cannabis Sativa To Replace Inorganic Forms of Currency petition to World Government of World Citizens was written by Andrew Gallego and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.