Manitowoc County Citizens
United States of America

The Manitowoc Parks and Recreations Division is supporting an effort to log Red Oaks, White Oaks, Hard Maple, Soft Maple and Beech trees an in effort to subsidize efforts for removing Ash trees from Camp Vits.

The Manitowoc Parks and Recreation Leadership failed to budget appropriately for tree management of the property during a $400,000 park improvement process. This $400,000 investment created a small parking lot, privy and path to the park. Unfortunately, there was a failure to budget properly for tree management. This is a failure in budgeting by the Parks and Recreation Division.

Rather then cutting down the very trees which make the park attractive, the leadership should budget appropriately to manage the park. If you a agree please sign this petition which will be presented to the city in the month of October.

We, the undersigned, call on the city of Manitowoc, Common Council and The Parks and Recreation Division to modify the Camp Vits park plan and not log any old growth trees for the purposes of revenue production or subsidization of park maintenance. We call for the preservation of this unique forest.

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The Camp Vits Logging Petition petition to Manitowoc County Citizens was written by Anonymous and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.