- Target:
- G8's first Farm Summit representatives
- Region:
- Website:
- camelpowernow.com
In April, 2006, The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) published a report hailing camel’s milk as a new superfood: “Prospects are bright for camel dairy products which are highly nutritious... camel milk is three times as rich in Vitamin C as cow’s milk, with high concentrations of iron, unsaturated fatty acids and B vitamins. It is currently prescribed for patients in Russia, Kazakhstan and India, while in Africa, it may be recommended for treating AIDS.”
We, the People of the World, ask the Nations of the World (where camel populations abound) to begin using camel’s milk to feed their Nation’s starving.
By implementing the camel milking station model advocated by Camel Power Now (see www.camelpowernow.com), thousands of people can be fed immediately by making use of an indigenous food resource. Camel’s milk CAN be the straw that breaks the back of hunger in Third World countries – NOW.
This petition will be submitted to Italy’s Food and Forestry Policies Minister, Luca Zaia, at the first ever G8 farm Summit to be held at Cison di Valmarino in the province of Treviso, Italy, April 18-20, 2009. (Italy is the G8’s host country this year.) In addition to G8 members, representatives of the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), the WFP (World Food Programme), the IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development), the World Bank and the UN’s High Level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis, will also be attending the Summit for the first time. (We will also be in contact with representative from each of these organizations.)
The G8 agriculture ministers will submit a joint declaration to the G8’s Leaders at the general Summit on the Sardinian island, La Maddalena to be held on July 8-10.
We can alter the face of hunger in Third World countries by using camel’s milk, an indigenous, renewable food resource, to feed the starving NOW.
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The Camel Power Now petition to G8's first Farm Summit representatives was written by Kam Kaminske and is in the category Health at GoPetition.