London Borough of Waltham Forest
United Kingdom

My family's experience of the Independent Living Fund (ILF) review process is chaotic, overly complex and uncoordinated with very poor standards of information and recording. The mere fact that I've had to go to extraordinary lengths to get copies of my brothers review information is testament.

Waltham Forest officers have been obstructive and in some cases dishonest - something I will be presenting to the Care Quality Commission and local Government Ombudsman.

To present vulnerable adults and/or their elderly carers, such as my mother, with such complex, incomplete and inaccurate documents is scandalous.

Councillors and Council officers have shown little humanity in this whole process. Not suprising given that it is the same stance of the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions. I am seriously considering taking up an offer to testify before the impending United Nations investigation.

What kind of society do we live in where it is the vulnerable, often those unable to vote, who take the brunt of politicians decisions and others failures?

We, the undersigned, call on the London Borough of Waltham Forest to arrange a forum whereby Mr James O'Rourke can publicly debate, one to one, with Cllr Angie Bean on the matter of whether she has acted judiciously in regard to the ILF review process, deletion of former ILF funds and how they are impacting on individuals.

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The Call for ILF/care funding debate with Cllr Angie Bean petition to London Borough of Waltham Forest was written by James O'Rourke and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.