- Target:
- The Legislative branch of our government
- Region:
- United States of America
In recent years, the political atmosphere of Washington has become one of mass corruption. We have allowed this to happen for far too long. Special interest groups line the pockets on both sides of the isle, and we are paying for it.
They vote for their own pay-raises, while being treated like royalty. They speak of the needs of the "common man", yet none of them are "common" or know about those needs. They throw money at problems, but then can't understand why those problems aren't being fixed. They are out of touch with the realities facing REAL Americans.
No where in our constitution will you find the words "career politician" I want to keep it that way. We are missing out on new ideas by electing the same people over and over again. This country needs real change, not the same old song and dance.
We, the undersigned voters of the United States, call on the US government to enact term limits on the Legislative branch.
F.D.R was wise enough to enact term limits on the executive branch, and the rest of our government should do the same.
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The By the people, for the people petition to The Legislative branch of our government was written by Robert Bernstel and is in the category Government at GoPetition.